Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Tuesday with Daddy

Morning Sunrise
Oliver on the "compactor"


Using his tools to fix the heavy machine!

He has great work ethic!

These pictures are sooooo cute!!!!

Oliver was kind of funky when he woke up this morning! So we got our morning off to a funky start! Oliver played with his friends and had fun at Jan's though! Daddy picked him up since it was Mommy's late day and they played with the tractor and other goodies that the paving people left behind. (We are getting the top of our driveway paved!) Oliver got into some things he shouldn't have- which just reinforces the need to make sure there are no tools, spray paint cans, sharp objects or other things lying around!!!

When Mommy got home Oliver was overtired and Daddy helped Oliver to bed. Mommy got to play with Oliver for a bit and now the boys are talking and getting sleepy on the sleeping bag.

Oliver's friend Twila Rose was born early this morning to our good friend Rochelle and her husband Conrad. We are so happy for them and can't wait to meet their baby girl!

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