Sunday, October 25, 2009


Unloading the dishwasher
He sets all the dishes above on the counter for Mommy to put away!

He puts away the silverware himself (see right) he just tosses it
in the drawer! He is so helpful!

This morning Oliver was getting dressed with the help of Mommy. We opened the drawer with his pants in it and he said he wanted to wear his courdereds. (Mommy told him about two weeks ago that his corduroys were corduroys, and he obviously remembered!) So he got dressed and then we went grocery shopping, then to Sears to drop off Mommy's car to get a tune up, then off to the Y in Daddy's Jeep! We dropped Daddy off at Grandma's but she wasn't there- Oliver said, "I didn't see Grandma!" Hopefully he sees her soon- he can't wait to see his other Grammie tomorrow! Then we had fun at the Y and at Mommy's classroom! He ran to greet Amanda- he is growing very fond of her! He even knows which car is hers in the parking lot!
Oliver took a great nap and then played with Mommy, helped her clean (he unloaded the dishwasher himself again!), made dinner, and took a bath! He even watched a little Charlie Brown and the Great Pumpkin- getting ready for Saturday night!
It was a nice Sunday.

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