Tuesday, October 6, 2009

San Dieguito River Park with Daddy

Oliver feeding the ducks in his hiking boots

Cutie in his sweatshirt- its getting cooler

Happy with Daddy

Very brave with the ducks!
Oliver had a nice day, he woke up and Daddy took him over to Jan's. Oliver played, ate, slept, and went boom on his knee and must have went bit his lip- poor babers. Daddy picked him up and they visited with Mommy really quick- both giving her kisses. Then they went to eat at Robertos and then went to hike and play with the ducks at the San Dieguito River Park. They had fun together and then came home. When Mommy got home they were sitting on the couch laughing really hard- it was cute! Oliver hung out with Mommy and took a bath, and then fell asleep. He always has fun with his Daddy!

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