Friday, October 16, 2009

Babysitting our Buddy

Greeting each other- Danielle went straight to Oliver's shirt
and said, "Elephant!"Going through the toy box!

Happy with Elmo, and happy in Owl's boots

Two Cutie Patooties

Relaxing on the couch

Oliver had a good day! Daddy picked him up at Jan's and then they met Mommy in old Encinitas. Oliver and Mommy made their way to Danielle's house for a babysitting date. We played with Danielle while her Mommy and Daddy went out on a date- before the baby boy comes- any day now.... We had so much fun. The two friends play so nicely together, they ate dinner together, they played hide from Mommy/Meredith and they sat together towards the end of the night and watched Sesame Street and Oswald. It was fun! (We can't wait to babysit again when Danielle has her baby brother there!)

1 comment:

Eileen said...

Thanks again! Great pictures, looks like you guys had fun!