Wednesday, October 14, 2009

"Leave Me Alone"

Getting a sucker from the bank teller, she always asks
where Oliver is....

Reading an animal book with Daddy
Pumpkins from Mommie's Field Trip to Bate's Nut Farm
Mommy's partner, Amanda!
Mommy should be a photographer!!!
Oliver loves Amanda!
Oliver had a good day at Jan's, except right before naptime- Jackson bit Oliver! Oliver did not retaliate and bite back, which is great! Mommy picked him up and they went to the bank then home to play and eat dinner. Oliver was playing in his room and Mommy came in and he said, "Leave me alone." He wanted to play on his own, so Mommy let him for awhile and then came back. He is reading with his Daddy now and will got to bed in a few minutes.
**Mommy went on a field trip with K, 1, and 2 at her school today to a pumpkin patch. She had to post a few pictures (none with the kiddos....) but they show what a nice day it is!

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