Friday, October 9, 2009

A Friday Tribute to Bhuta

Michele and Gene- November 2006
Daddy and Mommy- November 2006
(Ferry Boat is behind all of us!)

Mommy is still missing Bhuta a lot and is thinking about more memories to tell Oliver, but she wanted to add this tribute to Bhuta today because it is Friday.
Grandma and Bhuta visited Mommy and Daddy in Washington when Mommy was a little over two months pregnant with Oliver. We had fun hanging out together and went on a ferry boat adventure one day. We took the ferry boat to Friday Harbor one of the San Juan Islands. We all had fun being cold, watching the beautiful scenery in the sound, looking for a good fish and chips restaurant and stumbling upon a little rummage sale (which Bhuta was very interested in an old phonograph....). It was a beautiful day, a beautiful memory....

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