Monday, October 19, 2009

Math Lessons

Writing on Mrs. Blough's Board
Counting his YMCA money with Connor

Oliver had a good day. Mommy picked him up at Jan's house right after school and brought him back to school. He cuddled with Mommy and then warmed up a little to the Teacher meeting! Oliver played with Connor (one of Mommy's students and a teacher's son!). Connor and Oliver were working on math! Connor was having Oliver estimate the amount of candy corn in a jar- Oliver was counting on his fingers and taking some cues from his buddy Connor. Then they counted out the change in Oliver's owl wallet! They were having a good time!
In the evening- Oliver ate dinner with Mommy, took a warm bath, watched a little Elmo, and then went to bed! He can't wait to hear stories from Daddy tomorrow- he is Lobster diving with Uncle Tommy's old friend Tai!!!

1 comment:

Amanda said...

This was so cute! My favorite part was when Connor asked Oliver how many candy corns there were and he said "Number!"