Sunday, October 11, 2009

Help from Oliver and Daddy

Mommy's Boys hard at work
Daddy and Oliver putting up Mommy and Amanda's # line

Relaxing in the shoe section at Nordstrom
(Glad he knows how to relax....Mommy needs to work on that!)
Another busy day for the McCain bunch! Oliver and Mommy started the day at the Y, and then went to Mommy's classroom. Oliver helped Mommy and Amanda get their new classroom ready. No more teaching in a big gym where noise echos and it is chaotic----yeah!!!
Daddy and Oliver left after they put up Mommy's number line and put some boxes away. (Bhuta put up Mommy's really, really long number line in Washington the summer Oliver was born. He did such a great job, it is still up there for another teacher to use!) So, they left and Oliver took a nap.
When Mommy "finished" (the classroom is really a work in progress) she came home to clean and then go to the mall with Oliver to get some nice shoes for a special event next weekend. Oliver was a great helper and rode in his old stroller. We came home, ate dinner, took a bath, and went ni-ni.


Rocco Dylan said...

Wow, what a good shopper! He needs to teach Rocco how to do that in the store!!!

Eileen said...

I love that pic of Oliver, too! (and yes I really am posting this at 4:45am, I can't sleep!)