Wednesday, October 28, 2009


Our new driveway- the light is not that great but you can see it okay...

Oliver had a better morning! He wolfed down some pancakes and strawberries! Helped Mommy get ready and then was off for Jans house! He had fun playing with his friends and feeling the cool wind today! Mommy picked him up soon after she got finished at her doctor's appointment! (Mommy has a sinus infection- yuk! She has never felt so sick....or had to take so many medications at one time! Oliver helped her with that this evening!)
After Jan's we went to Mommy's classroom to clean up and prepare for a whole day of parent conferences tomorrow! Then we stopped by Ricos to bring home some yummo dinner! Oliver played when we got home and checked out our new driveway! We won't have so much dust blowing in the house now and getting on the cars!!! Oliver liked it-- now he can ride his bike- yay!!! He went to bed pretty quick today after a day full of fun, wind, and asphalt!

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