Saturday, October 24, 2009

Gelato Boy

Holding his Gelato with two hands- We were walking to a
bench to people watch.
Oliver had a great day! We went in the morning to the Y and then helped Daddy do some car swapping for work. We drove to San Diego to do this and Daddy took us to his favorite quick Thai restaurant- fun! Oliver fell asleep on the way back to the lot where we did more car swapping- Mommy is lucky he fell asleep because she had to drive stick shift and she is not as smooth as she used to be! Daddy and Oliver went home then and Mommy went to work on report cards at the library. As soon as she got home Daddy was ready to go hunting and Mommy was ready to go to the mall with Oliver! We had fun, Oliver ate dinner and had some gelato! We came home took a bath and now we are getting sleepy!

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