Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Grandma, Sleep, and Horse Trailers

Finding Grandma's M&M Stash
Grandma and Oliver eating yogurt in the pantry

A real life horse trailer- Oliver told Mama
there were horses in there!
Today we went to the Y in the morning, Oliver played with his friends at Childwatch while Mama exercised, then we went to swim. Oliver is getting braver on the stairs reaching for his sinking toy. After the Y we went to visit Grandma and Bhuta. Oliver had fun playing, kissing, and eating. We went grocery shopping afterwards, he rode in the car cart. He loves it! Mama tells him when we are turning and he takes the wheel and turns it!!!
We came home and played, played, played, no nap, he fell asleep around 6:00. He has woken up once, but Mama thinks he is down for the night. He is a cutie patooty!

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