Sunday, July 26, 2009

Building a Coop

Oliver in his cowboy boots- looking at Grandma's
treasure trove of toys
Playing peekaboo with Grandma

In the coop

Aerial shot of the boys and the coop

Daddy tried to take a picture of Mama, Owl, and Ranger
walking on the road to the water tower. Can't see us....
but it was a fun walk!
Today we went to the Y in the morning. Oliver is very into hiking the little trail and the bridge in the front of the Y, he had to do it before and after today! When we were leaving we watched the skateboarders for awhile and then made our way to Grandma and Bhuta's house. Oliver had fun playing and singing his Raffi songs.
After a really nice nap- Oliver helped Daddy with building a chicken coop. When Daddy used a drill, Oliver would watch but cover his ears- like Daddy told him too! They were having tons of fun and even took a break to play with a baby lizard they found! After Mama took Oliver and Ranger up to the water tower to see the lake and get some fresh air. Then off to the bath and big boy bed. Oliver had a nice day filled with people he loves.

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