Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Peanut Butter Sandwich made with Jam

Oliver's Two Year Old friend Jackson at Jan's
Eating his PB& J Sandwich and listening to the PB& J Song

Oliver had another fantastic day! He woke up in a great mood and ate some yummy pancakes! Then he helped Mama get ready for work and he got ready for Jan's. Oliver had a lot of fun at Jan's and loves his friends there!

When Mama picked him up we went to Trader Joes to get some stuff. He loves it there! He picked out avocados and bananas and ate some samples. Yum Yum! In the car he ate his PB & Jelly Sandwich sample. He was smiling and eating it as he listened to Raffi's song about PB& Jelly.

At home he played with his toys, with his dog, with his squirt bottle and then with his Daddy for a little bit. He fell asleep to listening to Mama read the 1st book in the Little House on the Prairie series-- he likes it so far, Mama too!!!
Peanut Butter with Jam sung by a guy that is not RAFFI but he is pretty good (acoustic!!!)

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