Saturday, September 19, 2009

Mommy, Mom, or Meredith

Oliver coming in to give Daddy a Hug
Oliver talking to Daddy

Oliver checking out what Grandma is cookin'

He likes to go in the freezer section of Costco and say, "Brrrrr"
really loud!!!!
Oliver no longer calls, Mama, Mama. It is now more of a mix between, Mommy, sometimes Mom, and ocasionally Meredith. (Every now and then he will call me Mama, but not as much as he did when he was "younger." ) So now there will HAVE to be a change in what Mama is called in the blog....
Oliver loves Saturdays! He went to the Y in the morning and played with his favorite toys and favorite friends! Then we went to visit Grandma and Bhuta. Bhuta was in a very deep sleep so we did not wake him this time, but we stayed and played with Grandma. (Daddy was there for a bit when we got there too, he had fun playing with Oliver, Mommy, and Grandma!)
Oliver took a nice nap this afternoon and then helped Mommy around the house. He also helped Mommy at Costco- always a fun trip! We came home and ate dinner with Daddy on the deck, then Oliver and Daddy took a shower, watched their Charlie Brown movie, ate cookie batter from Mommy's whole wheat-Dark chocolate chip cookies (yum!), and then went to bed! Quite a nice day for all of us!

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