Thursday, March 11, 2010


Eating dinner, resting, and watching Bedtime with Elmo

Oliver fell asleep in the comfy papasan

Oliver still doesn't feel too great. He had a pretty good day up until his naptime at Joan's. He had a hard time sleeping, even with sweet Joan rubbing his back. We had a rough ride home- he cried a lot and Mommy pulled over a few times to comfort him. (Probably why he cried a lot- because he was ready to cuddle with Mommy!) We came home, got in our jammies, ate dinner in the playroom and watched Bedtime with Elmo for the rest of the night (we watched it a few times....) Oliver perked up a bit after eating and then rested on the papasan and fell asleep pretty quickly. Mommy hopes he feels better soon- we plan on staying in for most of the weekend.

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