Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Library with Connor

Boys looking at the giant doll house at the library

Oliver had a wonderful day. He played with Daddy and went to Joan's house in the morning. He got to play with all of his great friends at Joan's. Mommy and Connor picked up Oliver in the afternoon (Oliver was pretty excited that Connor was with Mommy when we picked him up...) and we all went to the library for a little bit. We had fun there, then we walked over to our favorite coffee shop. We hung out there for a bit, saw lots of friends, and Oliver and Connor sipped their drinks. Oliver also taught Connor about the coffee bean roaster! We said goodbye to Connor when his Mommy and Tanner picked him up, then we drove home!

Oliver ate dinner, did an awesome job getting ready for ni-ni, put his stickers on his charts and now is cuddling with Daddy learning about tow trucks. It was a great day.

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