Sunday, February 28, 2010

Birthday Celebration at Chuck E. Cheeses

On the Jeep at Chuck E. Cheeses
(Grandma took this with her new camera- pretty cool!)

On the way to the Y this morning- Oliver saw Planet Earth on the back of this
Uhaul truck. He said we live there! (He brought it up.)
Oliver on the Jeep at Chuck E. Cheese

Oliver took off his shoes and put them in the container (himself)
to play in the play structure

Amanda found a breezy area- we had fun standing under it....

The Birthday party- tons of our scholars- Fun!!!

Oliver got to sit at the end of the table with Connor
Lucky Boy!!!

Oliver hopped on stage and danced with Chuck E. Cheese
(Mommy was not near him, so she is not sure if he was prompted by his friends
or if he did it on his own accord!)

Connor's Cake- He is 7!!!

Birthday Friends

Connor receiving his Birthday hat

Cute! Connor shared his hat with Oliver!

Getting ready to sing Happy Birthday!

Oliver helped Connor blow out the candles-
he is getting ready to blow in this picture- can you tell...


Oliver is in that cage! Fun!!!

Oliver had a wonderful day! In the morning we went to the Y and played- it was awesome! Oliver had a friend who also brought a monster truck and they played at Childwatch together. (The boy, Wesley is like seven---Oliver always makes friends that are older!!!) After we met Grandma in the parking lot and we all headed over to Chuck E. Cheeses for Connor's Birthday Party!

Oliver had so much FUN!!!! He was like one of the big kids, he sat at the table with them, ate with them, laughed with them, listened to was pretty cool how he kind of just fit in! (He is only 2 1/2 and he was hanging out with a bunch of boys 6 and up!!!) We had a great time!

Later we came home and played some more. Oliver didn't take a nap, but he took a relaxing bike ride to the Lake Hodges Boat Ramp with Daddy. Oliver was safe and wore his special bicycle helmet. They had a great time together. Oliver ate dinner and then took a playful bath. He fell asleep pretty quickly afterwards. He has had a fun eventful day full of friends and family.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oliver is so cute dancing up on stage. I love the expression on his face. Great smile:)

Aunt Kalyn