Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Pizza Night

Oliver tossing his napkins off the balcony- Not a good idea....
Can you tell Mike got to pick out the toppings?

Boys watching Sesame Street

Oliver had a great day. He woke up in the morning and hung out with Mama and Daddy. He was a bit of a fuss bucket, but we got through it. He hung out at Jan's house and had a great time with his friends. Jan said he even tried to sit on the potty 3 times!!! Yay, Oliver!!!

In the evening, Daddy had dinner "ready" when we got home. He ordered our 1st pizza to be delivered to our new house. Yum-Yum. We all enjoyed it, even Ranger. Afterwards the boys took a bath together and then watched some Sesame Street. Oliver is sleeping soundly now, and so is his Daddy.

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