Saturday, June 13, 2009

Wedding and Emergency Room

The bridesmaids and the bride's flowers
Katy and Scooter Leonard

The Girls

Katy, Bhuta, and Grandma

The McCain Bunch

Where's Oliver?

Great Aunt Ronnie decorated Oliver's car!

Feeling a little better.....
Checking out the limo
Leaving for a cruise to Alaska

Watching all the hard workers clean up
Aunt Katy got married to Uncle Scooter today. It was a beautiful wedding. Katy and Scooter are now on their way to a week cruise in Alaska, fun times!
Oliver was going to be the ring bearer but he got very, very, very sick. He vomited before the wedding all over his tux! He was very pale and kept getting sick! He has never acted the way he was acting, lethargic, attached to daddy, while Mama was busy being a bridesmaid. So Mama took Oliver to the ER. Once there he got a little better, they said he may have had something viral. We went back to the party after about 1 1/2 hours, we missed the cake cutting and the mingling, but were glad Oliver was a little better, until he got sick again.
At night, Oliver slept, and then woke up with a rash on his face and tummy. We are watching him closely, and have given him some benadryl. Hopefully he is better tomorrow!
Congratulations Katy and Scooter!

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