Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Busy Day Again

In their strollers after the nature center, they both
just had some white sage in their hands. I think Oliver
moved on to some snacks though...

Funny Babies

They were sitting together, Oliver made room
for Danielle, he just moves too much to capture
a really cute picture!

Clear Day, look at the snow on the Mountains!

Oliver was trying to cut his toe nails. He asked
if his Grammie to help him...
Today we had another busy day. Oliver was a bit fussy this morning, but we didn't let it stop us! We met Danielle and Eileen at 8 (really 8:15, because we both have babies and aren't super fast) at the Batiquitos Lagoon. We went for a nice walk and stopped at the Nature Center. We let the Babers out and they got to look at a lot of birds, a bobcat, coyote, fish, and plants. Oliver was able to tell me that the bird I was pointing to was an owl! After our walk we went to the coffee shop and the babies played. They play very nicely together, they are good at sharing. I think Oliver has his first crush. She is a cutie too!
After we went to Costco really quick and then came home to take a nap. Oliver took a lovely 2 hour nap! Mama was so tired she lay with him too! After we went to the Y. Mama exercised while Oliver played with friends and toys at the child watch center. He was laughing at something when I came back in, he likes it! We went to swim class afterwards and had fun. Oliver came home and went to sleep pretty fast, he had a long exciting day!

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