Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Chocolate and Rain

Oliver likes to watch the rain and eat his lunch

He likes watching the rain drop in the pool

Wearing his slippers and looking for chocolate

Tearing off pieces of the advent calendar
Today was a rainy day. Oliver played with Daddy again in the morning. We poked around the house in the morning and then went running with Ranger. We ran for a long time in the pouring rain, it made Oliver fall asleep and Ranger feisty!
Later we played around the house, Oliver ate a couple pieces from the Advent calendar, its all gone, and these pictures show him frantically searching for the chocolate. I shouldn't have eaten so much chocolate when I was pregnant with him!!! He ate lunch looking out at the beautiful rainy day. Then we did a couple of errands trying to get everything ready for Mama's teaching job. (An observation and Christmas Fun, yeah!!!) We saw Jessica while we were at her house using her printer, and Oliver had fun seeing his Kitty Cat. We had a nice day.
Oliver still misses his Bhuta and he wrote a poem about him today. Oliver is sleeping peacefully now, dreaming of all the people he loves.

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