Monday, September 8, 2008

Busy Oliver

A couch for Oliver

Oliver and Aunt Allison

Oliver had a busy day! Oliver and I went running to the Carlsbad boardwalk this morning. We ran 4 loops and he loved seeing all the people and the dogs! Afterwards we visited Patches at Aunt Jessica's apartment and then went to visit Aunt Allison at her work, Tuesday Morning. Oliver had a lot of fun running around looking at things for sale. He found a cool couch, that was just his size! (I found a kitchen set that is just his size, I'm thinking about it....) He had fun seeing his Aunt!

Later, Oliver got to spend a little time with Grammie while Mama went to a Doctors appointment. Afterwards, Oliver slept while Mama ran some errands and we came home. Oliver ate dinner and played a lot, then fell asleep! He is such a busy little man!

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