Tuesday, September 30, 2008


We tried to get a picture of him sitting....

Cuties in the chair

I like these pics- they are like an action series

Today we had a nice day. We went on a long run with Ranger, came home and did things around the house. Later we went to the library again, Oliver had a hard time sharing his crayons with other kids, I helped him understand that it is nice to share. The library page dropped some books and Oliver said, "Uh-Oh!" He learned that from Grandma this morning, and they kept doing it at dinner time too! On our way home from the library we stopped at Grammie's house. Oliver had fun seeing her and playing with her new shoes! He loves the attention his Grammie gives him!

We had a nice sunny day!

Monday, September 29, 2008

Lovely Monday

He is like his Mama-he likes to read when he is
going to bed.

Today was a lovely day. We went for a run in the morning with Ranger and then came home to finish our laundry. (Which will actually never ever be finished!) Later we went and picked up Grandma and Grandpa, they hitched a ride, Oliver had fun looking at trucks on the drive back. Then we came home and went to the library. Oliver and I love it there! He is getting so good at coloring, and giving the crayons back to the librarians! He also met a 14 month old girl named Victoria and he gave her 3 sweet hugs!

We came home and Oliver played with Daddy, ate dinner, and went to sleep with Mama reading to him from her novel.

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Running, Cleaning, Classroom

Practicing his sitting skills

Coloring- he prefers his right hand

Cutie patooty

Today was busy! Oliver, Ranger and I went for a long run in the morning. Oliver ate his breakfast while Ranger and I ran! Then we came home and did some chores. We made a big dent in our laundry pile, now Oliver can help me put it away tomorrow!

Oliver got to hang out with Daddy while Mama went to her soccer game. We lost our first game to a super good team! When Mama got home, Daddy left with Chad to lobster dive. They didn't get any this time, but they will go out again later this week! Lobster is yummo. While they were diving in the ocean, we went to my classroom with Aunt Jessica and did some work. We got a lot done and Oliver loved playing (making a big mess) in my new classroom. He is learning to be a student at such a young age!

We had a great day!

Saturday, September 27, 2008


Live Lobsters

Lobsters on Daddy's Scuba Gear- Ranger loves
when Daddy brings live things home- he thinks
they are toys

Cool Picture

Yummo Dinner

Happy Baby with Lobster on his tray!

Everyone was excited today, because Daddy went diving last night with Chad and they got lobster! Daddy went at midnight-because opening season began! He had a lot of fun, but said the waters were a bit rough, scary.... He brought the live lobsters home and woke Mama at 2:00am to show her. (Oliver was asleep...I didn't wake him....)

Mama and Oliver went on some errands, we went to the gorcery store and got some things to go with the lobster, yum. We went to Grammie's and hung out for a bit and saw Uncle Matt and Hailey. Then we went to the book store and Oliver played with kids and helped Mama pick out some books. He fell asleep on the way home, so Mama and Daddy went for a drive....

When we got home we made the yummy lobster- it was the best I have ever had! Oliver was very happy with it too!

Friday, September 26, 2008

Yeah its Friday

His diaper is falling off.
We had a great week. Oliver had a lot of fun at daycare this week. He loves the kitchen set and all the kids. We had a great day! We can't wait for the weekend!

Thursday, September 25, 2008

My Babers

Mule Deer that Daddy saw on his camping trip.
Oliver will love this picture!

Oliver had a pretty good day. He had fun playing with the kids at daycare. He didn't take a very long nap there, so he was pretty tired when Mama picked him up. Mama missed him so much today, she was over there to pick him up right after school let out. We came home and went running to the grocery store to pick up some baby food jars and then Oliver ate a yummo dinner. He loves to eat! After he ate Grandma and Daddy gave him a bath, then Mama put him down for the night.

(I still can't find the camera.....I think Daddy knows where it is......)

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Aunties, Iguanas and Sunsets

Action Picture from yesterday- Do you see Ranger? Fun!!!

Carlsbad Sunset
Oliver went to his second day of daycare today. He did well, he didn't try to escape the bedroom this time. He fell asleep pretty fast. He is also making friends fast. He is a happy boy when I get there to pick him up, so I know he is in good hands. (I just miss him a lot...)

We met Aunt Katy, Aunt Jessica, and Stephen at the Carlsbad Boardwalk to run. We had fun, Oliver met an iguana that had escaped from its owner, and he got to play with his Aunties while Mama ran more loops! We also got to see a beautiful sunset!

I took a picture of the iguana but can't find it in the files right now, I will post it when I can. Also I can't seem to find our camera.....I will take better pictures of little man when I can find it!

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Dogs and Trucks

Ranger- So handsome!

My other handsome boy!

Smiling for Grandma- Mama was teaching him
to smile in front of the mirror in the morning

This morning Oliver and I took a nice run then came home to play with Ranger in the backyard. Ranger was excited to play and Oliver was too! Later we did some errands, and stopped by Aunt Jessica's to visit Patches! Afterwards we went to the Carlsbad mall to check out the stores and the play area. Oliver had fun there, he kept going back and forth to these two cars that were perfect size for him! Afterwards we went to the library, something we've been doing a lot, but it is so much fun! Finally after the mall we stopped by Grammie's to say hi. Oliver had fun playing with his toys there and making a mess. He was also opening all of Grammie's doors because she has door handles, like at his daycare! So now I have seen him in action!
When we came home Daddy's work truck was in the driveway and Oliver got very excited. He said truck a few times and then I told him that it is Daddy's work truck and he got this very excited smile on his face!

Monday, September 22, 2008

1st Day at Daycare

Old picture-My favorite, I'm too tired to take
a picture tonite...

Oliver had his first day at Stephanie's house. (Mama had to work an extra day.) He had a good time. He took a nap there, but he climbed out of the playyard to begin with, opened the door, and stood at the top of the stairs...aahhh, he is such a little monkey. Stephanie said she has never had a child do that- or be able to do that! Oliver made friends with all the kiddos. When I got there he was eating and was so excited to show me what he was eating, then he went on playing! He is so adaptable! Much more than his Mama is right now!

We came home and he played with his "Wildlife Biologist Daddy" who started his new job today! Then Oliver ate dinner, took another sink bath with Grandma, and went to bed with Mama reading her novel to him! We had a good day!

Sunday, September 21, 2008


Kicking back in his carseat

Taking a bath

Today Oliver woke with a smile. We went for a nice long run early in the morning and came home to play. Then we went over to Grammie's to use some of her computer stuff, and Oliver had fun making a mess! Then we came home and Oliver took a nice nap, while Mama left to go play soccer (we won again...). Oliver woke up from his nap and hung out with Daddy, Grandma, and Grandpa. He got to see a big truck pull into the driveway and Grandpa said that Oliver really liked that!

Later we went to visit a family daycare for the 2nd time, Oliver remembered where all the play gear was! Oliver will start going there this week, I think he will have a lot of fun with the other little kiddos. In the evening Oliver ate corn on the cob and some other yummos and then Grandma gave him a nice bath in the sink. He loves his Grandma and Aunt Katy who came over. He fell asleep around 7:00, we had a good day.

Saturday, September 20, 2008


We had a good day. Oliver played at the library. He was coloring, running around, picking out books and more! I love taking him there! He even showed Ms. Kelli the childrens library assistant where his nose, ears, mouth, and belly were. She was amazed that he could already do that!

We spent some time at Grammie's house, she wasn't there, but we still had fun. Oliver watered her plants for her and wanted to eat in his high chair, I think those are his two favorite things to do with Grammie! He also sat on her scanner/printer and pressed the ok button and scanned a picture of his diaper! Pretty funny babe!

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Uncle Joey

How cute is this!

Just chillin' at Uncle Joey's

Ian loves Oliver...


Oliver had a really good day. He spent the morning with Daddy while Mama went to work and then he got to go over to Uncle Joey's while Daddy went to sign papers at his new job! He starts on Monday! Oliver had a lot of fun with Uncle Joey, Ian, and Smokey. Oliver didn't cry when Daddy left, he actually encouraged him to leave. He was ready to play with his Uncle!
Later in the evening Oliver got to eat at Rubio's, he liked it, and he was happy to spend time with his Mama and Daddy.

Quiche and Playing

Oliver driving his Grandpa Wietzke's Mustang

Today Oliver spent the day with Daddy, while Mama went back to work. Oliver ate a lot of quiche and played a lot. He has been climbing a lot on chairs and then onto the kitchen table (not very safe!) Oliver had fun with Mama and Daddy in the afternoon and Oliver fell asleep on a nice evening walk with Mama.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Busy Busy

Pressing the horn button...so smart

Today we were busy! We woke up around 7:15 and Oliver was in a really good mood! He was playing with Grandma, smiling, making fun noises, and then was playing with Grandpa! We went for a run, then came home to Daddy and Ranger! Oliver was so excited to see his Daddy! They played and Oliver was all smiles! Then Oliver and I went to run some errands. On our way he fell asleep so Mama let him sleep in the car while she read!
We visited 2 daycares today. Oliver got to play with kids and toys! He had a lot of fun! And Mama learned a lot! We will make our decision soon and I think it will be a really good one! After that we went to meet Oliver's 2 aunts in Carlsbad. We took a leisurely stroll, Oliver is not a very fast walker! Then we saw Grandma and Grandpa who were out for a stroll and fresh air! Oliver rode on Grandpa's lap while they pushed Grandma to the max! The 2 aunts and I walked and enjoyed the atmosphere.
Oliver fell asleep tonite to me reading a nonfiction book to him....he is such a good listener, hopefully he is learning as I read to him!

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Aunt Jessica, Books and No Sleep

Today Oliver and I went running in the morning and then met Aunt Jessica and Robin for lunch. We had fun at the coffee shop, where Oliver met a dog and a lot of people. After they left, we went to the library and played. Oliver is getting better about sitting at the table and coloring. He knows how to pick out a good book and make friends. He is also fascinated with the recycle bin and trash can- thankfully they are pretty empty.

Oliver did not take a nap- so he helped me with the trash cans, the mail, and he explored outside-and then by 6:40 he was out for the night. We miss Daddy and Ranger a lot. We can't wait to see them tomorrow.

Video of Oliver's fun at the library.

Monday, September 15, 2008

Grandparents and Camping

Ranger waiting to go camping....fun....

Oliver having fun with Grandpa...

Oliver had a busy day. We woke up early and went to Aunt Allison's house. Uncle Kelly and Aunt Allison watched Oliver for an hour while Mama went to a meeting at school. Oliver had fun chilling with Ali and playing trucks with Kelly. After Mama picked him up we went running on the Carlsbad boardwalk-it was a lot of fun! We came home ate lunch, said Goodbye to Daddy (he went camping with his buddy) and took a long (2 1/2 hour nap) together!

When we woke up Oliver went and played with Grandpa on the scooter. Grandpa was singing Oliver songs about pirates. Oliver was extremely entertained. After we went over to his other Grandparent's house and Oliver watered plants with Grammie and got to drive Grandpa's car. (I will post pictures of that later!) To end our busy and satisfying day we went to the bookstore together and picked out a book about Bellybuttons.

Watering with Grandma- he has his own can now.
He kept missing the plant and watering his pants.

Sunday, September 14, 2008


Walking to the playground


Today was a nice day. Oliver and I went on a long run and stopped at Henry's for our groceries. We ran back home with them---Mama felt like she was climbing a mountain.... We hung out at home and Uncle Joey and Kalyn came over. Oliver showed Uncle Joey his belly-he lifted his shirt and everything when prompted. Then Oliver played hide and seek with everyone---I will need to get it on video it is really cute.

Oliver took a nice nap and played with Daddy while Mama went to her 2nd soccer game where she scored a goal! Yeah! Oliver ate a yummy dinner and then we went and played at Sragecoach Park. Oliver had fun and then we came home and went for a nice stroll.

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Grammie, Souplantation, and Running

Oliver petting Rudy- Rudy is becoming more

Oliver and Ranger on our run. That is Mama's old
high school in the background.

We had another good day. Oliver got to hang out with Grammie and Grandpa in the morning while Mama went to professional development (ugh-on a Saturday!). He had fun and got to see his Uncle Matthew and doggy Hailey!

Afterwards he came home to eat a yummo lunch and then took a long nap while Mama and Daddy drove around downtown Carlsbad. After Oliver woke up we ate at Souplantation- Oliver loved the peas of course, and he ate a mini ice cream cone! Then we walked across the parking lot to see Aunt Allison at her work.

When we got home Oliver and I took Ranger on a nice run. We saw a football game and ran into some old friends. We then played and took a walk with the big shiny moon as our guide.

Friday, September 12, 2008

Finally Friday

Oliver sleeping- Grandma sent me a picture of him
sleeping-but I can't find it online... But he looked just like this!
Same shirt and everything!

Yeah, its Friday. Oliver had a good day. He spent time with Daddy and then got to go to the ability center with Grandpa and Grandma. He put a lot of smiles on faces and played with lots of scooters! Lucky Boy!

This evening he went for a walk and picked a yellow flower for grandma. It was so cute when he walked up to her and gave it to her. He is such a little lover. He fell asleep to me reading Parenting magazine out loud to him. I can't wait to spend the weekend with him!

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Our Sweet Little Guy

So precious

Today Oliver and Daddy played a lot! They both missed Mama a lot while she was at work, and she missed them a lot too! When Mama got home, Oliver ate a yummy dinner of bow tie pasta and peas! Then we went running at the Batiquitos Lagoon and stopped by the library on the way home to look at books and play. Oliver fell asleep on our walk- it was dark out but not many stars....

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Daddy and Grammie

Oliver asleep the other night...

Oliver had a good day with Daddy. They played with his new pots and pans, read a book with over 100 words with picture associations, and wrestled! Later Oliver got to go spend the afternoon with Grammie and Aunt Allison. Oliver got to eat at McDonalds and got to Target, where he got his own watering can! He loves to water Grammie's plants in her backyard.

Mama picked Oliver up in the evening (she had back-to-school night at school, so she had a long day away from her hubby and baby). We went for a walk together and Oliver fell right asleep. He had a good day and was lucky to spend time with so many people that love him.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

No Rest for Oliver

Playing with a little girl (Mia) at the library--
(He spilled juice on his shorts....)

Big Boy at the Library...

Can you tell he is tired?

Asleep on the "fire trail."

Today Oliver woke around 7:15 and was ready to go! He ate breakfast and went running with Mama and Ranger. Then he went to Ikea with Mama and Daddy and played like crazy- plus had a little fit when we had to take him away from the kitchen set, that is set up for kids. We did purchase him some cool pots and pans made for babes. (Now we need to get him that kitchen set at Aunt Ali's work!) Oliver slept for about 45 minutes in the car and then woke up when we got home. He would not go back to sleep---so Mama took him to the library. He played like a madman at the library and met a lot of older girls. (They kept saying how cute he was!)

After the library we went to the YMCA and signed up for the little shrimp swim classes- Oliver and Mama will start those in October! That will be fun. We came home and Oliver fought a nap again- so we played, went for a scooter ride with Grandpa, and ate spaghetti and peas for dinner. Then Daddy took Oliver on a long bike ride to put him to sleep! Finally- he fell asleep.

Monday, September 8, 2008

Busy Oliver

A couch for Oliver

Oliver and Aunt Allison

Oliver had a busy day! Oliver and I went running to the Carlsbad boardwalk this morning. We ran 4 loops and he loved seeing all the people and the dogs! Afterwards we visited Patches at Aunt Jessica's apartment and then went to visit Aunt Allison at her work, Tuesday Morning. Oliver had a lot of fun running around looking at things for sale. He found a cool couch, that was just his size! (I found a kitchen set that is just his size, I'm thinking about it....) He had fun seeing his Aunt!

Later, Oliver got to spend a little time with Grammie while Mama went to a Doctors appointment. Afterwards, Oliver slept while Mama ran some errands and we came home. Oliver ate dinner and played a lot, then fell asleep! He is such a busy little man!

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Books, Greek Festival and Shoes

Happy to see a dog in a stroller!

Petting the dog- Check out Oliver's Shoes!

Eating Gyros- Yum Yum

Today was fun! We slept until 7:15 (yeah) and then went running with Ranger! It was nice out this morning, still overcast and cool! Uncle Joey and Kalyn came over and Oliver got to hang out with them and Daddy, while Mama went and played in her 1st soccer game of the season. Oliver loves his Uncle Joey!

Later Oliver and Mama went to the library and Oliver got to sit at the little tables and color on a piece of paper. He didn't sit long, but he kept coming back to sit and try it out! I think that eventually he will learn to sit for awhile.....(I hope!)

In the evening we all went to the Greek Festival in Cardiff. The weather was nice, and we enjoyed Gyros and Greek pastries. Oliver loved running around the big church in his new Converse Hightops- he loves them, he defenitly got his sense of style from his Uncle Joey. It was cool to hear the music and watch people on the dance floor! When we got home Mama and Oliver walked again-the moon was beautiful, as always!

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Stagecoach Park

We had a great Saturday. Oliver, Ranger, and Mama went for a long run in the morning then came home and Oliver took a nice nap. Later Oliver helped Mama with some errands, came home and played and then took another little nap!!! In the evening Oliver and Mama went to Stagecoach park and played at the playground. Grammie met us there and helped Mama keep up with Oliver! Tonite he became comfortable with sand, and he put his feet in it and walked/ran in it and played with other children.

We went for another walk tonite to wind down and the crescent moon was bright.

Oliver runing up and down the grass hill,

checking out the older kids....

Friday, September 5, 2008

Natural History Museum and Trash

Ready to take it out to the garage

"Carrying" it to the recycle bin.

Daddy and I are teaching Oliver about the finer things in life. First, Daddy took Oliver to the Natural History Museum in San Diego. Oliver got to learn about Mountain Lions and other native southern California animals. Oliver was climbing over displays and having the time of his life. Daddy was having fun teaching Oliver about evolution, animals, and everything that excites Daddy. Oliver is already showing signs of being a little Naturalist and possibly even the next Marty Stouffer. (They didn't have the camera with them, sorry!)
Later when Mama came home from work, Oliver helped her clean things up. Oliver has been saying the word "trash" for awhile now. Today he took it a step further and "carried" the recycling bag all the way to the garage to put in the recycle bin! Wow! He is such a good little helper, and he loves doing it! I hope this lasts forever!
We went for a nice walk tonite with the stars above us and the dark night surrounding us.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Day with Grandma and Aunt Katy

Grandma taking silly pictures of Oliver the
other day.

Today Oliver was so, so lucky! He got to spend the day with his Grandma and Aunt Katy, while Mama went to work and Daddy went hiking in the Cuyamacas with some wildlife biologists!

Oliver got to go to the mall and play with other kids at the playground. He had a bad experience with a boy that said "no baby" and pushed him off a car. Oliver cried- Grandma said big fat tears rolled down his face and that he cried because his feelings were hurt. Poor Baby, I like that he is sensitive. Grandma also said he was giving all the girls hugs and Grandma got tons of kisses. Lucky her! For lunch she treated him to a cheese on a stick and cheery lemonade. They had fun shopping and playing.

In the evening Oliver and Mama went for a walk at Dusk and sang again about the stars and the pretty colors in the sky. We walked until it was dark and Oliver fell asleep on my chest again. Its a really nice way to have him fall asleep, so close to my heart.

***I will try and post a pic of today later!