Getting ready to come down the stairs
Climbing up and down the stairs
Attacking Daddy-These pictures
were taken the other day. Our
camera's battery needs to recharge!
Today Oliver, Mama, and Ranger went for another long, long run. It was fun because we ran into an old friend, Kari who has a baby daughter now and into Mama's old 4th grade teacher Mrs. Knudsen who was with her 2 year old granddaughter! Cool!
Oliver played a lot around the house, and then later in the afternoon he got to go over to his Grammie's house and she watched him for a few hours, while Mama and Daddy went on a date. Oliver had a lot of fun playing with Grammie, climbing her stairs, going for a walk, playing with the water can in the backyard, and eating pancakes, blueberries and drinking yummy milk!
Oliver and Mama went for a walk at night to help Oliver wind down, they sang about the night sky and enjoyed the cool breeze. After Oliver fell asleep his parents watched the Jerry Lewis MDA Telethon and made a small donation that was matched by Harrah's casino! They got to hear their names on t.v.! Remember to check out the telethon, all donations go to a really good cause!